

What is a Chakra?

Chakras are areas of energy in the body that run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. There are 7 basic chakras inside of your body and 2 other chakras on the outside of your body. Each chakra has a corresponding color and symbol. The Sanskrit word chakra means wheel, which refers to the spinning energy in each of the seven chakras.

What is the meaning of each of the Chakras?

Each Chakra has its own symbolism and each affects different aspects of your being; physical, mental and spiritual. You can work on balancing and activating your chakras through a variety of ways. Reflections, meditations and of course through Crystal Healing. You can find more information on each individual chakras below by choosing an Icon

How to cleanse your Chakras using crystals

Crystals affect our Chakras by lifting their vibration, clearing them, and causing them to “spin” at an optimal rate. Simply select a crystal or stone for each chakra. For a general chakra balancing session, try to pick a stone that’s color matches that of the chakras color. For example

  •  Soul Star Chakras - 8th Chakra - White/Clear, Clear Quartz is a great substitute for any stone because it contains  all of the colors within it, and it’s a fantastic energetic amplifier and master healer. 
  •  Crown Chakra - 7th Chakra - Violet, such as Amethyst
  •  Third Eye Chakra - 6th Chakra - Indigo, such as Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli
  •  Throat Chakra - 5th Chakra - Blue, such as Turquoise or Angelite
  •  Heart Chakra - 4th Chakra - Green/Pink, Green Aventurine or Rose Quartz
  •  Solar Plexus Chakra - 3rd Chakra Yellow, such as Citrine
  • Sacral Chakra - 2nd Chakra - Orange, such as Carnelian
  • Root Chakra - 1st Chakra - Red, such as Red Jasper 
  • Earth Star Chakra - Super Root - Dark brown, Greys, Black Tourmaline